
This is the same Catholic Church with the golden thrones and its own whole-ass uncontested country, yes?

@GlytchMeister @voltronic

When I clicked on the link, it asked me to verify my age...I don't divulge age to the internet, makes me look weak


@Madken65 @voltronic


Alucard (same guy talking in the last video):

“ Honestly, if you're going to have a dickfighting competition with a /woman/, you must have started off with the world's cruelest handicap. Which I'm sure benefits the 9 year-old boy you have chained up in your private Vatican jet. Which was paid for how? Oh right! Generous donations from your followers to spread the word of God... /all over his back/.”


Just knew there would be a workaround for age verification...

@GlytchMeister @voltronic

That's OK @Madken65, when I'm asked my age on the Internet, I always use your age. 😁

@voltronic what the actually F? What’s next, we bail out airlines and banks?

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