Now that I'm living off my retirement funds and my broker has stopped freaking out my husband, we can work on our side gigs and fix the house (Yes I kno, my funds will go down)

But there's a plan to pay off house (I'm hoping with in a year)

And as we gradually lower our monthly spend we should be ok. I'm paying cobra extension for now. That will be reduced later this year

I found ACA to be much more affordable than COBRA
If you're still close enough timewise to your qualifying event, check into it, if you haven't already

@BrentSullivan my daughter and I will switch to aca. I have to wait 3 years for Medicare. My husband can take it in July. I don't turn 62 until August. I kind of got forced into this after back surgery but evey fiber of my being wanted to get out of corporate grind and do my own thing.

Yeah, I got bumped out of corporate life at 59. Still have the better part of a year to get to Medicare and then two more years to pay off the mortgage.

Some hoops and hurdles, but it's been mostly phenomenal


@BrentSullivan it's freaky for the bit, adjusting and planning. I'm gonna hit up my 89 yo mom (who has a beautiful apartment in my basement) to help pay off house. She has a decent nest egg to help.

Lol I mentioned paying off mortgage (her brother paid off her old mtg) and she says "what about emergencies?" I said (laughingly) "you mean like when you get laid off at 61?" Just planting a seed. Lol

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