@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN are you doing the meat protein keto diet?
@Zevon I had been until about May, and then I resstarted medical cannabis and that elminated my need to be on Keto.
So, I'm on it again just to support my wife.
I had a heart attack when I did keto for a year. I do much better on a vegan high-fiber diet. (Not low fat, and only incidentally highish in carbs.)
I believe there are genetic components to how people metabolize various foods and science still has so much to learn.
That was Christmas 2017, and I've done OK since then. Having a heart attack was scary, especially since I was under 50.
Still need to lose weight and exercise, but that's a lack of consistency on my part. I know what works best for me. My mental health improves when I stick to a vegan diet. (No sugar, minimal processed food, too.)
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you and hope all is well now :) Yes, everyone is unique. I have two vegan Keto recipe books but haven't tried the meal plans. I should. Meat is so expensive! @tyghebright @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN