
The Q "shaman" bullshit artist has a court order that he's to be fed organic food.

Meanwhile, ICE has fed detained immigrants rotten or moldy food, served Muslim detainees pork, and force fed hunger-strikers to the point where they bled through their noses.


He refused to eat anything for a couple of days because his "religion" apparently requires he only eat organic.

I wonder if his pelt and horns are organic.


They didn't make him specify, as far as I can tell.

Looking now, it seems that his lawyer just said "for religious or health reasons", and it was like, a day and a half that he went without eating.

And, really, I agree with the judge that "For religious or health reasons, if (inmates) need a special diet, we are required to accommodate them," but that's not a standard that's typically applied.

@tyghebright :facepalm: what does he think is going to happen to his food in the kitchen?


Oh, yeah. I'm sure the kitchen staff are real pleased to give him his "special" food.

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