@MrGoat lmao! Would have been funnier if the pumpkin had Starbucks written on it.
Going to happen eventually, I guess... It's like bad flu: aches, tight chest, and my lungs are burning. #CovidIsNotOver #COVID #TypeOneDiabetic
When Trump is sentenced to prison I hope we as a country can all agree he legally won the presidency, (I hope it was legal) the first time but attempted to seize power and overthrow the US government when he lost, therefore anyone that follows him should be jailed as a terroristic follower. Such as we do to anyone who follows any terrorist. Nip this shit in the "Historical bud".
You are not born dumb, you are smart. If you are always learning something, anything all of the time, and problem-solving anything whenever you can, it will increase your intelligence.
@BrainTrust me too. There is another one called, "How to be a dictator". That is pretty good as well.
@peeppeepcircus I thought so. I need to get a Google map of that area so I can see it.
@th3j35t3r "Vocal"
Coffee runs the body and the brain.