I can’t believe the number of dumbasses who are paying $ so that they can have a little blue check mark beside their name!
@DanWentzel Decades ago, my sister introduced me, a Reagan Young Republican military man, to the concept of practicing Random Acts of Kindness on the Bay Bridge toll by paying for the stranger behind us. She was a Berkeley liberal. Today, I'm a Pete 2020 supporter in New Hampshire and she's a Trumper in the Southwest... Life changes...
@Museek Yea, except my phone categorized the call back as "Potential Spam" and rejected the call...lol
@Astartiel Sad how life changes our expectations but inside we're still the same little kid that used to have big dreams... When I was young, I was invincible, powerful, immortal, and the sky's the limit. Now, I'm lucky to still be mobile and able to wake up every day...so far.
@Novakation To AND from school. Both ways were uphill in those days....lol
Brian fuckn Walshe Show more
One of the best days. National Introvert Day.
Introverts unite! Separately of course 😉🤣
Federal prosecutors are investigating Rep.-elect George Santos’ finances
Currently hanging around Old New England