Amy Siskind
For anyone, especially if you live in NY-03, my friend Elizabeth Kaiser Venuti (who lives in district) asked me to share the following:
“I just spoke with the office of special counsel for the NYS Board of Elections. I figure the only way to make sure George Santos doesn't represent NY3 is with pressure from voters. They told me that the advice they are giving people is to write to [email protected]. I already sent an email.” #voting #politics #elections
Hey everyone!
Just a reminder that we've only got a couple days left in the month and everything we don't fund Jester covers out of his own pocket.
I don't know how much it takes to run this place but I'm sure it isn't cheap.
If you're not able to go Pro or make a donation, that's okay.
But if you enjoy this place and are able to make a donation and/or go Pro, this will help us keep the lights on.
@Eviestorm Been there. We're here. Merry Christmas.
I’ve been through a lot of storms in my life, this is definitely the worst wind storm I have ever seen.
The storm surge from the St-Lawrence in Old Quebec is INSANE. They have never seen anything like it.
The wind is calm for now, but both my sisters are getting thunder snow
I'm a nurse who works in a shelter for COVID+ homeless people.
And we are full, we are overflowing, because there's another COVID wave happening.
You really don't want to get it. You will likely survive now, but we have scary data about long term effects which we're still learning about.
I'm 5 times vaxxed, wear a mask in public, and wash my hands when I can't socially distance, and so far I haven't got it. In spite of my job.
It can be done. Please protect yourself. Get vaxxed, wear a mask.
A Universal Cancer Treatment?
A small trial was testing a fundamentally different approach to fighting cancer on patients with grim outlooks.
They sent a Trojan horse into cells and turned cancer’s own trickery against it.
@Museek Seems like he's making stuff up as he goes...all impulse driven...
Elon Musk: Free Speech Absolutist, unless he doesn’t like the speech…
Currently hanging around Old New England