@stueytheround @BillyBones Omgs and people who use skeletons in Halloween decorations as not being sensitive to people who have ever grieved. No wonder Bob the skull and I are rubbed the wrong way by her. Forgot about that fiasco, lol.
@stueytheround @BillyBones Just checked to make sure I wasn't confused again, saw Oates hailed as "the queen of hot takes" and she's also gone after crime fiction (no good writers in it) and singular they.
@stueytheround @BillyBones Okay, I think that was Atwood. So I don't remember a specific Oates thing except trashing sci-fi and fantasyas "not literature". Pardon my worn out brain.
@stueytheround @BillyBones A Handmaid's Tale, I think? Praised for feminism/pro-choice (I think they have breeding slaves?) but I avoid it due to the outcry from writers of color.
@ArcturusSaDiablo Awesomesauce 😊 such a pleasant thing to see.
@peeppeepcircus Ten bucks says some of the offended people are mad because the song wasn't political before.
@Bobbelieu I'm taking notes. Hmm. I bet a safety pin in the purse could come in handy for a number of reasons.
If you think #trump campaign denial of #project2025 and thr leader stepping down is the end of it.
I got a bridge to sell you
Evil is never defeated. It just waits for an opening
@051G Okay, but that sounds normal for them, lol.
@ArcturusSaDiablo Fuckin' A. 😂
@BillyBones She's one of the good bad guys. As in wrote the Handmaid's thing which yay, but also likes to say shit like what "real" writers do, and shares opinions trashing entire genres. Also does some stomping on the toes of non-white writers by saying things, but don't remember the details.
@rpardee Obviously it's DEI stealing athletic skill from deserving white men.
Nature, science, and art are super cool. Terribly sorry for the stuff that doesn't fit.
She/they cishet.