*snort* I love the internet. Not only is my old "cooking video" still up, the whole blog is still there. I only bought Bob the replica skull a couple of years ago, forgot there was once a Bob who was a lower quality Halloween decoration lost in a move several years before. Here are two drawings titled "Bob" about a decade apart. (Yes, all skulls are Bob.)

Oh. If you want to tell what's poison ivy and oak a little better, here's the page Bob the elder is from.


P.S. Giant Hogsweed will remove your ability to handle being outside in the sun without becoming instantly covered in blisters from UV lighting for four years, in case you ever thought plants weren't trying to get revenge.


@ExecutiveFunction404 Not sure. I do know there are people tax payer dollars go to to set the found species on fire, and they should be given hazard pay. But they totally sound the same in their symptoms, or pretty close from what I remember.

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