
*snort* I love the internet. Not only is my old "cooking video" still up, the whole blog is still there. I only bought Bob the replica skull a couple of years ago, forgot there was once a Bob who was a lower quality Halloween decoration lost in a move several years before. Here are two drawings titled "Bob" about a decade apart. (Yes, all skulls are Bob.)

Oh. If you want to tell what's poison ivy and oak a little better, here's the page Bob the elder is from.

P.S. Giant Hogsweed will remove your ability to handle being outside in the sun without becoming instantly covered in blisters from UV lighting for four years, in case you ever thought plants weren't trying to get revenge.

Oh, wow. Went to actually re-read the hemlock thing. Forgot there was a period of time when I thought I had a son. Well, called her a son. I started waiting for "some news" when she got into kindergarten, so this was probably when I said "son" but wondered.

@ExecutiveFunction404 Not sure. I do know there are people tax payer dollars go to to set the found species on fire, and they should be given hazard pay. But they totally sound the same in their symptoms, or pretty close from what I remember.

@tippitiwichet just FYI, some people react to Virginia creeper sap the same as to poison ivy. fun, huh?

@redenigma @tippitiwichet It affects me exactly the same.

I'm immune to poison ivy.

: )

@tippitiwichet @redenigma Only a little. It's less "magic" and more of a "I can be a little picky about which body I inhabit as a distinct personality".

It's not cheating. I just know where the rocks are.

@AskTheDevil @tippitiwichet i'm violently allergic to poison ivy, but i don't get it very often despite it being all over the place here. the berries are a very high value food for birds... so, lots of it around

@redenigma @AskTheDevil Wow, useful berries? I'll have to remember that when see it and think of the "forest wisdom", the stuff "plants teach us", the thing that combines metaphor with wisdom but is... well as unreliable as metaphors can be. I heard "poison ivy teaches us to be aware of our surroundings", and will now alter that to "poison ivy feeds birds, and teaches us to be humble, not everything on the planet is for us to learn fucking lessons by".

@redenigma @AskTheDevil Don't get me wrong. Absolutely do not read the above and think I'm not into metaphors from nature for wisdom. Fucking love that shit.

@tippitiwichet @redenigma See, I thought the itchy stuff was maybe nature's way of saying "stop fucking touching me".

@AskTheDevil @redenigma But that philosiphy won't work for human-centric mindsets. You have to make sure you include our egos in philosophies or they will never catch on.

@tippitiwichet @AskTheDevil oh, and also climate change is making poison ivy grow & spread faster &urushiol a lot more virulent. fun

@redenigma @tippitiwichet Great. I hear the chemical can stay active and ready to make you itch hundreds of years later, too.

@redenigma Well, I'd been avoiding it when I see it due to the possibility of poison ivy, so I had no idea. Especially since I'm just like @AskTheDevil and it doesn't seem to affect me, I only avoid it because allergies sometimes have a magical unseen breaking point where the cool peeps like us can fall into being normal and boring like allergic to poison ivy or something. I have to protect my unicorn status.

@tippitiwichet @redenigma I hasten to add that while I have been immune so far, I don't push my luck, for that reason.

Thanks, @redenigma. Someone has to be a good influence! ; )

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