
I'm new here. Related, I quit Twitter.

@tiger This is a fun place, with lots of helpful people. Please make yourself at home!

@tiger Awww 😊 I quit the bird site over a year and a half ago. Don't miss it one bit. I'm glad you've joined us.

@mushrj I was on it since 2007 and so it was hard to say goodbye, but it's for the best.

@tiger It's definitely a big change, but it's become so toxic over there that a lot of people are letting it go, or just taking it in small doses.

@tiger you accomplished the toughest part. Congratulations and welcome. 👍👋

@tiger Welcome! I arrived just last week. It's really nice here.

@Ocherokee @tiger and welcome to you also Cherokee :-) I’m a little behind on the new cosmonauts. Glad you’ve joined us


welcome welcome welcome

glad you could join us...feel free to ask any questions, lurk a bit, or just jump right in...we're pretty chill here

also...have a follow...

@opie @tiger thank you! Will take me a while to get used to this.

@tiger welcome...we are a fun bunch. Congrats on quitting the Terdsite. Welcome home...set a spell...and relax.

@tiger Welcome Home!❤ I haven't totally quit, because, a few good folks, but I mostly hang around here until I fall asleep some nights after work. Enjoy

@tiger hello 🐅

Glad you could join us. If you need any help navigating, give a shout :-) welcome 🙏

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