@WordNerd: RESIN
(That's the only thing I could think of.)
@GaryPoole: "Baggage carousel" is what I call:
a. therapy, and
b. family photo albums.
@Maude: That right there was precisely what I and other said would happen when business and industry changed it from Personnel to Human Resources.
People-as-Objects is ALWAYS a bad movie.
@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine: Organized Crime is, if anything, organized.
@Liliki: Of all the Trump admin picks, he's the one I actually, if this was a Bond movie or the like, get taken out violently first.
It's the most weasely, pick-me, spoiled, self-entitled, ultra-vacuous, boss' kid type that gets it first, and he's also the one that squeals first and provides the spy whatever he or she needs to tackle the next one up the gravy train.
@SmirkingRaven @th3j35t3r: That is udderly ridiculous.
@0x56: I'd pass on the chives, as I am not a fan of the things. That is, however, a most minor quibble. I would substitute fresh rough-chopped parsley.
Thin crust, right?
: one of the best weird horror stories ever put to paper, by almost certainly the most legendary of weird horror authors
@Museek: That's why they stopped manufacturing a product you own and switched to one you have to rent.
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@YouInMyEye: Yep. He's punishing them by making them abase themselves even more than than they prior to when they thought they sense the wind shifting away from him. He's also digging hard at The Libs with it, and he's getting his usual desired effect. It's mob boss behavior/tactics.
54 year-old autistic human. Father of three. Grandfather of one. Movie production Yoda. Screenwriter. Nerdfaceperson.