On the morning of February 14, northern Israel was subjected to a barrage of indiscriminate rocket fire from Lebanon.

In response to this attack, the Israeli air force undertook a “widespread” bombing campaign against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon,

Media Ignore Anti-Israel Rocket Attack, Focus on Israel’s Military Response


This rocket barrage was the latest escalation in Hezbollah’s campaign against Israel, which it undertook in the wake of Hamas’ October 7 massacre in southern Israel Due to the threat posed by the Iran-backed terror group, tens of thousands of Israeli civilians from the north have evacuated to other parts of the country

Despite this latest violence stemming from the rocket barrage directed at Israel several news outlets chose to frame the story in such a way as to portray Israel as the aggressor

By leaving out vital information and context from their headlines and reports, these news outlets are not only failing to inform their respective audiences properly, but they are also helping to contribute to a false narrative that leaves Hezbollah’s belligerency out of the picture and portrays Israel as the primary aggressor along its northern border.

Don't believe the hype - media bias is a thing

@AkomoCombine @ecksmc 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

@AkomoCombine @ecksmc yes they are and I don't understand what's their purpose or what they hope to accomplish by doing that.

@Dbot @AkomoCombine @ecksmc: They sympathize with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the rest.

They've been this way since at least the 1970s when the Leftist Boomers began entering the newsroom workforces en masse, and it's gotten more prevalent. It wasn't just Boomers, though. The late Helen Thomas wasn't alone.

@thedisasterautist @AkomoCombine @ecksmc there is that but this time has been significant different. The verbiage used and how they have been manipulating the information.
And this goes for all big MSM. As if they all agreed on one view. A misguided one


@Dbot @AkomoCombine @ecksmc: To my eyes and ears, it's essentially the same, as a matter of coldly logical progression. I've seen previous Israeli retaliations for terror attacks over the decades, and this one follows the same pattern to a tee. The fundamental different is the technology used to communicate it. i.e., social media *is* the media, drives the rest of the media, and the MSM are always several steps behind (more than they used to be) and do not fact-check because they do not feel...

@Dbot @AkomoCombine @ecksmc: ...they "have the time" (because they want the scoop) to fact-check, but what they do not do is retract and correct, not that that was ever a big thing. Also, it's a generational problem.

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