@stueytheround Fingers crossed that this and the talk therapy do the trick. Anxiety is there for a reason.Sadly, it doesn't stop when no longer needed for survival. Been dealing with this for so long myself. I did a meditative yoga class that really helped, offered by a counseling agency.Sadly, my insurance changed and I could no longer do it. It was held in a local church once a week. Wish I could still do it. Learning to control the body's response thru breathing and thought is priceless.
@stueytheround Oh, definitely. While this was not religion based specifically, I realized during the process that this served a similar function as prayer - deliberately directing the mind to a more peaceful state.
In a related "class" we learned how to control the body's physiological processes. For example, splashing the face with cold water causes the body reflexes to respond in a way that breaks spiraling anxiety/strong emotion.