Oh BOY do I have something for you!
I'm just waiting for a couple of bits of info and my first ever bandcamp track is going up. 50% of all profit goes to #CosoMarketplace from a #CosoCollaboration the likes of which you've never heard before!
So my dear cosonauts, I proudly present the latest #CosoMusic #CosoCollaboration in aid of #CosoLifeSupport on #CosoMarketplace
I've been working with @mikeflstfi @BlueStateBabe and @northernbassist on this over the past week or so and now it is on sale for £1.50 or anything you like over that price. 50% of profits go directly to Countersocial.
Stueytheround and friends
Little Red Hatchback
Thanks to @th3j35t3r for (c) permissions
@MisterE Oh thanks man! @mikeflstfi @BlueStateBabe @northernbassist @th3j35t3r