@ImagineThat I agree that faith isn't the only reason that people use to commit atrocities. With reference to your example though, neither Stalin nor Pol Pot did what they did justified by their atheism.
It's like Steven Weinberg said โ 'With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.'
@agitated_trash what leads you to label the intersection as wise mind?
@pewtergod that didn't benefit their donors?
Not sure on that.
@Batman666 apophenia is an established human behavior.
@th3j35t3r @Render quick, get that man a red tunic and a fishing rod.
AI-Assisted Language Translation of Speaking, Including Mouth Movements.
Ok, this is a little bit bonkers: HeyGen's Video Translate tool will convert videos of people speaking into videos of them speaking one of several different languages (incl. English, Spanish, Hindi, and French) with matching mouth movements.
@AskTheDevil can you think of a situation in which, ahead of knowing the outcome, acting on faith rather than empiricism is the best way to proceed?
@thedisasterautist true, but it seems increasingly apparent that our survival as a species might hinge on whether we can collectively agree to move past the primacy of our traditions.
I'm not arguing that we should abandon them. It's more that we should treat them like we might a childhood teddy bear. They call back to who we were without constraining who we'll be now.
Climate change will bring resource wars and migration on a scale we've not seen in our history.
We can't afford faith.
@thedisasterautist like spirituality, I think faith is one of those terms that's just semantically overloaded. If we instead used the phrase 'belief without evidence' or 'unsupported belief', I think it'd be a much better world.
@dratino sorry. Saw an article that made me sad and frustrated. Faith leading to belief, belief to action, action to consequences that hurt people.
Enjoy whatever you decide to have for dinner.
@ImagineThat @Stonekettle that seems consistent with congress having acted 'in the name of their god'
Maybe we should stop being influenced by ideas of what gods may or may not want until evidence of their existence is presented.
Peak oil demand will be met this decade. And not a moment too soon.
Husband, Dad, Humanist, Immigrant ๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ๐บ๐ธ, Software, Archery, Sailing, Cooking.
Intentionally unarmed.