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@MCP2 I don't recognize you but everyone could use a good hello!

# politics Next big announcement: Brokemon-GO: MAGA zombies wandering into traffic and off cliffs trying to catch a digital Trump.

@Stinkyelon @Rickbflony If that happens then that is the last shoe to drop. That means he started his merch arm of his Onlyfans account...oh afraid. That may be the seventh seal!

@RazzleDK1 I agree. There will quite a few who skimp on groceries just so they can have these idiotic NFT cards

The really sad thing is there are a ton of morons who think the trading card idea is "cool as hell"

@Rickbflony The last piece of merch will be autographed diapers

@DJNoneYa He must be really squirming over the legal bills

@Divefinatic 80 mil voted for a cartoon character selling merch...ugh..people are stupid

@kel He will demand to be the GOP nominee first. When they say he has to go through the primaries he will start a third party. I love it!

Why is anyone still on Twitter?

@lasharona707 This IS NOT Twitter but it's definitely good! Everyone is really nice and you actually get to know people here. You are not yelling into the wind like Twitter. Good luck and welcome!

I am seriously starting to wonder if Musk is the Omen kid all grown up...😋

@FreedomATX Agreed! Two steps forward but still a long way to go. At least it's moving forward!

@AuntCrabby All the other crap about Trump was "mums the word" including dinner with antisemites and dis-guarding the constitution. Losing seems to be the bottom line. Pathetic...I hope people don't have such short memories in the future.

@Greytdog Hopefully Walker Texas Fake Ranger fades into the woodwork.

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