
Ok, my brain is in conspiracy mode. Are the gqp going to impeach Biden so Harris takes the wheel, then they go after her?

@sistersib You can't impeach a president for "reasons".

Besides, the Senate would not vote to convict.

@StevenSavage @JolieSaboteuse They are all about show, they sure as hell aren't about governing

@sistersib the GOP wants to expose what’s in Major Biden’s toy box. They will hit any target. Do whatever damage they can and create unfounded mistrust. And fund raise off the hate & paranoia of their base. Rinse, repeat.

@CanisPundit I have never hated anyone in my life as much as I hate the gqp

@sistersib I’ve seen fascism defined corporations, religion, and politics joined together against the populace.

Among the list of “and you know what’s really sad” is the God fearing/loving faithful who don’t realize they are being used, and voting against their best interests and against kinder parts of their bible.

What misery is going to be unleashed for yet more tax holidays for the wealthy and lifting of regulations on certain corporations.

@CanisPundit My mother passed away last April, when she got so sick as her POA I had her mail forwarded to me and had her checking account info. I was sick when I saw who and how much she had been sending to this pricks. All mail from these shysters that came here I made sure and wrote what assholes I thought they were and sent back in their prepaid postage envelopes

@sistersib good for you. Conmen and conwomen know mentioning god and traditional American values is like a skeleton key for opening a line of credit from the vulnerable.

@sistersib I agree with Steven, and others. This is show and tell with the hopes of eroding the "middle undecided voters", it'll be drawn out and timed accordingly but they don't have any real intentions.

It's like Hannity, Giuliani, Ginni Thomas and others claiming a stolen election, encouraging a treasonous riot but then, under oath, stating openly they never believed any of it.

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