I have a confession. I needed to mow my yard today. Living on Louisville I had just watched coverage of mass shooting when getting ready to go out and get started on the yard l got my gun and put it in my pocket. I’ve never felt the need to do that before

It’s been reported that Aunt Crabby has passed away. RIP

Power has finally been restored. The only casualty at my house was one of my computers. Since I unplugged all electronics after the outage to prevent a surge when power restored I’m guessing the computer fried when the line arced and broke

Stopping in to say hey. I’ve been without power since Friday because of 79mph winds. I opened my front door to check on weather just as I did I say wire in front of my house arc and the line break. Fun times

Guess what I made for my breakfast this morning

OMG, my latest right wing email was "Pray for Amy Coney Barrett"

Why am I all of a sudden getting emails from right wing nut job politicians?

I've been purging my house of unneeded items. I'm happy to report I have found no classified documents

After months of dealing with HUD over lien release that should have been filed 12 yrs ago and filing a complaint with BBB on the HUD contractor who is who should have filed the release, It was finally filed today!!!

It came out this morning that someone who works for the school system where I live has tested positive for MPox

Two weeks post op from gallbladder removal and I'm supposed to be on a low fat diet for a bit. I keep seeing all of these pictures of food that I would so love to have

I have a confession to make. I went back on that other site and have done everything possible to get kicked off. The number of GQP I have told to fuck off is pretty high.

Ok, my brain is in conspiracy mode. Are the gqp going to impeach Biden so Harris takes the wheel, then they go after her?

My roof is 27 yrs old and I’m trying to get new one before I start having leaks with this one. If that happens I will Sue @hud & ISN Corpthe gov contra yet is who is supposed to send lien releases in a time frame dictated by federal and state law

On Tuesday I got my first correspondence from them in the form of an email telling me to give them 6 days from original request. Bitch that 5 days is long gone this heifer I talked to tonight got indignant when I told her this was damn ridiculous. She went all Scarlett on me. I have done my homework and found that bud is in noncompliance mode to 15 USC and Ky. laws took am trying to get HELOC to get a new roof. That lien is th only thing holding up the loan.

Does anyone on here happen to work for HUD? I have a major issue with them and had no luck getting it resolved. I did a subordinate mortgage with them in 2002. It was redone in 2005 which athe time of 2005 filed the lien should have been released. The released it in 2010. It not the 2005 which should have been released. 5 phone calls with all telling me they are expediting it and sent an email dec9 with all documents attached.

I officially divorced my gall bladder today. We had irreconcilable differences.

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