Food ingredient ignorant person here 👋
I have to avoid nuts, seed, and corn for the next three days 😫 and I’m clueless about what kind of foods could have these ingredients, unless it’s obvious stuff like chips, pistachios.
Tofu? Hummus? What about rice paper? Is flour stuff, like tortillas safe and pasta?
I’m trying to go thru my kitchen to see what I can eat.
I’m going to be very grumpy for the next three days.
Oh they'll say no red or purple jello but they are fine with blue.
I don’t have any Jello-O. Just had to borrow money from my mom to buy the disgusting Gatorade. My food stamps don’t come until the 17th. 😞
I hope this goes as easily as possible.
It probably will as I’m overblowing the whole damn thing, as I tend to do. I really don’t like being out of control of my body, especially to lose time.
Between these damn hot flashes, it being 100F outside and various other life crap, I’m a ball of cheeriness.
Wait until the Emptying.
Enjoy your food, there's plenty yum available without sneaky little bits, and it'll be all over before you know it.