Welcome Home.

Hey have you made any new noise lately.
I enjoy your bandcamp releases.

@corlin thank you! I haven’t. I need too. Lots of half finished ideas begging for completion.

Your welcome
I also have too many “in works.”

One project I have been working on for two years. Stuck.

I take raw scientific data, (from radio telescopes) and do heavy statistical analysis, and turn it into midi info, then run it through software synths.

@corlin I love that! Have you considered using our Safecast data?

Hmmmmm. 🤔
Very good idea.
I now a guy at the VLA, telescopes.

But who knows, maybe fresh data, might inspire me to get off my butt.

I will look into it.

@seanbonner greetings! This is the slickest, most laid-back outpost of the internet. Absolute fortress.

@seanbonner. Hi there! The following sentence will consist of suggestions from my phone.

The yellowish center is still very much alive and just watched it in the same place as last time.

@Stizz it’s just got the best app to be there to be in our position and then we can do something!
(That’s was fun)

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