Here’s the thing for me: Even if Elon Musk doesn’t end up buying Twitter, I’m still not going back. It’s still a cesspit of crap that I just don’t want to waste my time with. I’m not here just because of the possible “Elon deal”; I’m here because it’s a *better* place. 👍

@dawnyriver SAME. I feel almost like I have the flu they're so bad.

Hi there, Cosonauts. Been a little radio silent due to family obligations - Mother's Day also marked five months since I lost my own mother to dementia. It's been rough. I'm hanging in there, though.

Quantum mechanics could explain why DNA can spontaneously mutate.

It had been thought that such quantum behavior could not occur inside a living cell's warm, wet and complex environment. Erwin Schrödinger had suggested in his 1944 book "What is Life?" that quantum mechanics can play a role in living systems. This latest work seems to confirm Schrödinger's theory.


Good morning CoSo! Time for coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. ☕

@FighttheFluff As far as they're concerned, the mother is pretty much a brood mare. Also, once the kid is born they stop giving a shit.

Dave Chappelle is trash, but no comedian deserves to be assaulted.

What's worse is that, knowing Chappelle he's gonna use this incident to spew out more hateful garbage.

And the Alt Right is gonna do everything they can to turn him into a martyr.

Good morning, friends. Got a lousy bit of sleep last night and I'm desperately low on spoons. So I'm thinking crappy movies and maybe a nap is on the agenda for today.

PSA - We are going to be making some performance tweaks under the hood today, so expect some weirdness, 522s , sporadic downtime.

It's all good.


"I had read about such devices before. But watching the scene on the beach towel brought history into focus with startling clarity: Women did this the last time abortion was illegal."

Midterm elections are 6 months away.

Please register to vote at:

I will be part of the underground.

What the future of abortion in America could look like

By Jessica Bruder


Republicans have taken away your right to choose. Now take away their right to govern.

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Carrie K #ENDALZ

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.