@rpardee while i was still in the UK, i listened to Donald Woods, expelled from South Africa, talking on a radio program. He was asked about whether racists ever changed their minds, and his answer was "the only thing that changes is that they die".

@gshevlin def seems perilous to bank on them changing--esp if there are other things you can be doing (which is the thrust of the article)

@rpardee I stop reading these types of articles where it says "XYZ voters" vote for the GOP WNP.

Sorry, there are hundreds, thousands, millions of white, non-white, LGBTQ+, etc., etc., etc., Dem and Indep voters voting for Biden. These writers, journalists, media personalities sure as heck should be differentiating in another way. We are not all part of the GOP White Nationalist Party.

Stop lumping us in with them. Democrats and Independents are fighting against them. Stop demonizing us.

@rpardee Just finished reading this. Although there are excellent points here and relevant history, for sure, ... We constantly think that "white" people are more numerous and more powerful than they actually are. Note the media polling that constantly says 47% of americans favor rethugs.. NOT TRUE.. it is a portion of the republican party.. and therefore really 25 percent at the most. White people are part of the diversity of this country. and should be respected as such.

@rpardee 2. A LOT of "white" people here are reasonable educated voters.. THEY need to be contacted.. they are the "missing 25%" that are lumped in with the craywhites for clickbait. Do not MISTAKE and leave them isolated.

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