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Every young girl or woman ever burned as a witch was completely innocent. Every person who helped burn them was a murderer. Sometimes there aren't two sides to the story. Sometimes the only thing you can do with the truth is to face it.

"Russian disinformation rampant on far-right social media platforms."

Sidenote: Do you know where this isn't a problem? I do.

TFW you forgot to do something but then plot twist you realize you did remember but forgot that you remembered.

TFW you pull a chapstick out of the dryer to find that it's all hollow inside and in a small way now you are too.


With cooler temperatures, some may want to use their small space heaters. If so, DO NOT plug them into a power strip. These devices are not designed to handle the energy load of a space heater and can overheat causing a fire hazard. Please keep fire safety as a top priority.

pass it on...

Overheard: “Say what you will about Mordor but at least it was walkable.”

Sorry but I can't go along with the "generation jones" stuff. Sure, people born toward the beginning of a generation are marginally different than those born toward the end of a generation. People are marginally different year to year. Where does it end? Anarchy, that's where lol

TFW you've never done a thing and your boss expects you to be a master of that thing in under a week.

I think this is the first (and probably last) time I share a TW link. I don't usually initiate this kind of topic on CoSo, but this is a powerful witness to the kind of struggle the US and its citizens are facing right now. As we rapidly lose the last of our "first gen" witnesses, account's like Chris's "2nd gen" one deserve recognition. Let's call it "on erosion of civil liberties".

I'm thinking it's been too long since I've watched The Professional.

I just want to buy a NORMAL night light, Amazon. Is that so hard?

@ChristopherNoyesRoberts From what friends who are still serving & interacted with before he assumed his current role, he's so OG it's not funny.
His sense of duty to the country runs deep.

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Richard Perlicz

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.