I don't wanna say I'm easily upset, but the episode of existential self-doubt I'm currently experiencing was triggered by my inability to draw a decent recliner.

If you utter the words "I have a BMW" in response to anything other than the question "what kind of car do you have," something in your life has gone awry no matter how you look at it.

at night - I can’t believe I listened to this shit, but man I had fun back in the day (and, like right now). Without further ado…

Ladies and gentlemen: Cypress Hill


Musk's problem may be that he mistakenly sees Twitter users as employees!

When discussing how best to dress the lower portion of a Christmas tree, I tend to skirt the issue.

Argentina has won the World Cup, defeating France in penalty kicks in a thrilling final, for its first world championship since 1986. Argentina was led by global soccer star Lionel Messi in what is expected to be his final World Cup appearance.


Good thinking, Elno. Santa has all the assassination coordinates.

Meanwhile in Russia: top state TV propagandists can't help but laugh out loud at Trump's "Superman" announcement.


@Rickbflony The last piece of merch will be autographed diapers

This new puppy is really affecting my laundry schedule.

This morning I found something in the room where things go to die so things are starting off very promising.

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Richard Perlicz

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.