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Yes. I feel all of this.

Last week I laughed out loud at myself when I thought, "what, all they do is read?" Um, that would not be a bad thing! 😆 It is hard to find the "just right."

Steven Beschloss writes:

“You don’t have to be progressive to grasp Nazis and Nazism are bad things and contrary to American principles. It just takes memory or a history class about what side Americans were on. Over 16M Americans fought in WWII, over 400k died and nearly 700k were wounded to defend us.”

...too into politics..
...not into politics enough...

...WAY too into politics...

...Not NEARLY into politics enough...

*Me looking for people to follow on COSO*

Got absolutely crushed at work last night. Post-holidays are very busy times for substance abuse treatment centers.

@rizzleperizzle I was always suspicious of those multi-bladed monstrosities. There had to be something up with them. Too good to be true, is what I thought.

@DrJackBrown The last scenes of Stand By Me where Richard Dreyfuss (one of the characters as an adult) is remembering his friends.

What movie scene (not the whole film) is most accurately encapsulates your own, 'Coming of Age' moment?

I've been falling asleep to peter and the wolf lately. Don't judge me lol

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Richard Perlicz

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.