
...too into politics..
...not into politics enough...

...WAY too into politics...

...Not NEARLY into politics enough...

*Me looking for people to follow on COSO*


Yes. I feel all of this.

Last week I laughed out loud at myself when I thought, "what, all they do is read?" Um, that would not be a bad thing! 😆 It is hard to find the "just right."

@CajunBlueAZ1 No doubt. PS lol not sure you're still there but I'm pretty sure we used to follow each other on Twitter in the before times :)


You seem suspect. Certainly following regardless.

Finding a balance is hard. I left 2 and a half weeks ago. I am finding that I have missed thinking about other things. Still miss friends, but I love these people.

It is like they had this place ready for me. The filter design process is a simple brilliance. We make it what we want. Perfect!

@CajunBlueAZ1 I've made worse first impressions/second impressions (?), I guess :). Glad you've found a new home. I'm not brave enough to cut the cord yet but I'm splitting time. I like it here so far. So many other platforms too. Will take time for the dust to settle I guess, if it ever does. Maybe the competition is good. Cheers

@rizzleperizzle I like to toe the line of "into politics because being silent is siding with the oppressor", but it's also not my area of expertise, so I do a lot of listening, learning, and reposting.

@TheHairlockSupreme A lot of wisdom in that approach. I don't mind a bit of spouting off. I think, for better or worse, it's the essence of democracy to have and express opinions on things we don't make our living at- so long as they're somewhat traceable through reason and logic. Manners are key, tho, and conceding when someone makes a good point. Unrelated: I was today years old when I learned that it's "Toe the line" and not "Tow the line" so THANK YOU lol 🍻

@rizzleperizzle I agree that logic, reason and manners are all important, as well as conceding to expertise where applicable. Most of the troubles in conversations I have tend to occur when none of those are present.

Also, YW! I honestly had to look it up recently myself.

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