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Oh, hello. Here’s some throwback thirst for you, and it’s not even Thirstday™️.

Totally with you, @rizzleperizzle. I've been using doubles for about ten years, and would never go back to cartridges. Mostly a Feather person, sometimes Merkur for best clean finish.

I think I may have purchased my last double edged razor for a good while at least. Got into the hobby about a year and a half ago and I think I've finally settled into some consistency in terms of technique, hardware, "software" etc. Took time to re-learn shaving after switching from cartridges but in a way it was easy because the process is so much more enjoyable wheras cartridge shaving is like ugh, chore city. So, yay.

@rizzleperizzle same for me. Floss in the car, purse, at work. Dentists are always impressed at my gum health. I can't stand the feeling something stuck in my teeth.

I go through mad amounts of floss and other exciting posts by Richard Perlicz. Like really, tho. I keep floss boxes all over the house

Tired + hiccups is a truly unholy combination.

@ShutUpAmanda Hi it's @rizzleperizzle from Twitter. Is this really you (and stuff)? 🙃 🙂

*dip. Typo right away. That's about right lol

Welp here we are. Figured I'd better tip my toe in before Musk goes full Rogan and the highway to here gets clogged. The interface sure is... busy. Lets see how she flies I guess.

Richard Perlicz

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.