@Render Are these the same boys that were singing in the streets to YMCA?
LOL - When I was a kid I would've been the 11th not invited into the bubble.
"Want to join my bubble? This is what your future social life could look like"
@catlynne333 oh, ok 👍
@catlynne333 @InvaderGzim I'm not saying red states. I was just talking about Mitch.
@catlynne333 @InvaderGzim If NY didn't provide more than they take, Kentucky wouldn't be able to balance the books. NY (and other states) are keeping them afloat.
@catlynne333 @InvaderGzim I see it as welfare.
cats and cardboards tanks https://www.sadanduseless.com/tank-army/
Imagine Monty Bennet spent that 200 grand or so on magical crack that transformed the people who smoked it into life-size gold statues of themselves. So he sells this magic crack and fiends are turning into statues left and right. And he's lifting them out with a helicopter, taking them to a refinery and melting them down to make ingots. Then he sells those.
Even the magical crime I just made up wouldn't have that rate of return.
@Expecting_Words @th3j35t3r Did they think they could hide this? Better yet, did they even think to hide this? It didn’t take that long to figure out.
@Beanc that’s nuts. Wonder which big corps scooped this up.
@th3j35t3r just to sum up - Monty Bennett, Ashford Director, gave $209,500 to the Trump campaign and the Republicans. By total coincidence, Ashford received $92 million from PPP.
^^^ BINGO. First on the list of Directors - Monty Bennett - https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=monty+bennett&two_year_transaction_period=2020&min_date=01%2F01%2F2019&max_date=12%2F31%2F2020
@th3j35t3r It wouldn’t surprise me.
Where did the airlines park their airplanes? // WOW!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIbXai0l174&feature=share
I vote independently
"The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect, so hard to earn, so easily burned" - Lee, Lifeson, Peart