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Truth Social. From the same people that brought us Alternative Facts.

Somehow I ended up on Donald Trump's begging for dollars email list . It includes a survey, with this question - "where would you like to see him hold his next rally?" Unfortunately, you can't finish the survey unless you donate. Not going to give him a buck to tell him to go rally in Moscow. Here's the survey: secure.winred.com/nrsc/ia-veri

@TetsuKaba You'd think FB would have a "team" at the data center that can handle a crisis at the data center just in normal times.

Still getting used to Brady and Gronk winning another Super Bowl dressed as pirates

So President Biden is running off to a golf course? What madness!

Raising a glass to you from across the Atlantic.
America you *are* beautiful!
The work of showing the world how beautiful you are begins anew today.
To my conservative friends, I hope you feel able to put your trust in this administration.
I hope that when we disagree, we can seek solutions rather than division.
I may not be American, but everything your wonderful country does impacts me in one way or another.
May your impact always be for the greater good of the world.
God bless America. ❀

My boss will understand why I'm not getting much done, just hoping our clients are as understanding.

@Armchaircouch so amazing to hear after 4 years of listening to word salad.

I really hope they release these songs on Spotify and elsewhere. I could listen to Lady Gaga sing the National Anthem every day until I die. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

@phase almost like you're looking through my webcam.

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