So I did the #JobInterview after my hair let it be known it was going to do whatever the hell it pleased. Lesson umpteen in working with what you've got ...
@publickovacs gorgeous!! 🖤
Fingers crossed for the interview. 🤞🏼
Thank you love, on both counts!
How are you doing?
@publickovacs I'm having a challenging week. Other than that I'm grand.
How are you feeling?
I am still very tired and rather ill. Radiation was rough. But I am noticing that I can decrease my side effects meds.
Hope that after your spawn's accident, the tide of terror is done! He is still okay I hope?
I do.ehow still haven't become a THC user although of there ever was a reason, this nausea is it. I am taking prescription meds for it that are making me even more drowsy and the fatigue is so unbearable I sleep all the time anyway, so this just compounds it...
Menagerie is in disarray: the original cat who started our clowder is slowly dying of cancer. This is a very rough time for us.
@publickovacs @Jezibaba You're going through so much but you're facing it with such grace. You are an incredible person and if there's anything that can be done on my end to help you through this time, I am here.
Thank you so very much
Can someone bake you special brownies?
Really helped my friend suffering with nausea.
Wish I could. 💜
@publickovacs Mel, I'm so sorry about your furbaby 😔 are the other babes avoiding or comforting?
Sounds unbearable. Guessing you don't have legalized weed?
Are there any contraindications with herbs while on these meds?
Twin, the Original Cat is enjoying companionship and comfort from all the other cats
We have legalized recreational weed, I just haven't tried it. No contraindications, I even have the approval of my surgical oncologist to try it
@publickovacs I am happy to hear you both have a ton of support.
Gotcha on the thc. Licorice root and/or peppermint for your tummy once cleared with your doc is a rec.
@Jezibaba @publickovacs hello, just kind of blundered into this conversation. Have you tried ginger! A slice in a cup of tea, tincture, candied ginger, ginger chews? Hope something helps! 🦦🤗
Have eaten several.ppinds of ginger chews - they worked at the start of radiation, then quit working
@publickovacs Feb 8 is so close and yet so far away. I'm sorry you're feeling ill. Peppermint tea? Thc?
How's your menagerie?