So I did the #JobInterview after my hair let it be known it was going to do whatever the hell it pleased. Lesson umpteen in working with what you've got ...
@publickovacs gorgeous!! 🖤
Fingers crossed for the interview. 🤞🏼
Thank you love, on both counts!
How are you doing?
@publickovacs I'm having a challenging week. Other than that I'm grand.
How are you feeling?
I am still very tired and rather ill. Radiation was rough. But I am noticing that I can decrease my side effects meds.
Hope that after your spawn's accident, the tide of terror is done! He is still okay I hope?
@publickovacs I'm sure on both counts. Excellent news on the med decrease. Will you be getting a pet scan soon?
Oh yeah, that took the back seat when I broke my toe last night. spawn is fine. He got the ins greenlight and just needs to set up the appts. Thanks for asking. 🖤
I don't even know what to say. Toe is on my shit list. So sorry.
I am seeing the surgical oncologist on Feb 8 and then he will set up follow ups. Microscopic spread cannot be seen on imaging. Had MRI pre op and didn't show
@publickovacs Feb 8 is so close and yet so far away. I'm sorry you're feeling ill. Peppermint tea? Thc?
How's your menagerie?
@publickovacs Mel, I'm so sorry about your furbaby 😔 are the other babes avoiding or comforting?
Sounds unbearable. Guessing you don't have legalized weed?
Are there any contraindications with herbs while on these meds?
@publickovacs I am happy to hear you both have a ton of support.
Gotcha on the thc. Licorice root and/or peppermint for your tummy once cleared with your doc is a rec.
Twin, the Original Cat is enjoying companionship and comfort from all the other cats
We have legalized recreational weed, I just haven't tried it. No contraindications, I even have the approval of my surgical oncologist to try it