So I need 8 oz of Odo-Ban concentrate per 32 oz of water in the spray bottle for pet odors. Now I have to reduce that to fit it all in a 32 oz spray bottle. Science!
@TrueBloodNet Science! That's what I did. More or less.
@poemblaze More or less is more than good enough with such things. It's not like most my work where things needed measured to the gram or less!
@TrueBloodNet True
@poemblaze It might be cheaper and more fragrant to pull up the carpeting😍
@ReneeVoiceBrand That's not my call. I don't own it.
@poemblaze Aha!
@poemblaze Dimensional analysis
@poemblaze use 6 oz of Odo Ban to 24 oz of water.