There's a street in St. Louis, MO called Loughborough Avenue. It is pronounced LOFF-boro. Years ago I met a lovely couple from New Zealand who asked where they could find LOO-gah Bo-ROO-gah Avenue. After a few seconds to process what street they wanted, I actually managed too keep a straight face and give them directions. I still think of it as LOO-gah Bo-ROO-gah.
@poemblaze In the UK it would be LUFF-boro.
@gshevlin We almost got it right. 😄
@gshevlin Ha! A good thumping from Noah Webster.
@poemblaze "tomarto!" I shriek in desperation as the dictionary hits me in the middle of the forehead.
@gshevlin The house is always much more peaceful when the woman is right.
@gshevlin I would never say tow-MAH-tow.
@poemblaze It gets me a "gosh, how cute he is".
@gshevlin I guess that works. But I generally cringe at that one.
@gshevlin It's funny how we think what we grew up with is right. My parents' marriage should make me question everything.
@poemblaze I had to work out much later how dysfunctional my home environment was.
@gshevlin I started fairly early, but as I got older I think my understanding grew. Should have everything cleared up by the time I'm 340.
@poemblaze Hmmm. So my aim to understand it all by the time I am 90 might be a tad...optimistic?
@gshevlin Your family may be better
@poemblaze Nobody would, but they might say t'mahtoe. @gshevlin
@stueytheround That's a *little* better. @gshevlin
@poemblaze I regularly argue that one with my better half. She ends up by slapping me down with one or two Mirriam-Websterisms.