Someone I'm close to recently spoke positively about shame. Like, there are good reasons and uses for shame.
I'm going to be clear: the only way you can talk positively about shame is if you're comfortable with control and manipulation.
Any system that depends on shame is fragile. Its people are fragile. Their relationships and affiliations are fragile. Shame is unpredictable except that it is destructive.
*Most* people I share my life with know this, and are working to remove shame's power.
@sumpnlikefaith My take. If someone has murdered another person, for example, the murderer would do well to have some shame over it and reform. But once one has reformed, it is not helpful to remain in shame.
@nursefrombirth Remorse is a better word for what is needed. But even more than remorse, change is needed. Remorse is shame over what one has done. I think even shame over the point one has reached in life can be turned to constructive purpose. Shame over who one is as a human is too far.
It's more a matter how one thinks about the words used. I don't think "shame' always has the overtone of "you are worthless." @sumpnlikefaith @LlamaMountainStudioArts