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I often use the word 'seldom'. I'm feeling old after reading this.

Cory Doctorow writes of the many accomplishments of the Biden adminsitration from Monday through Thursday of this week.

Shouldn't Teams, Zoom, Slack all interoperate securely for the Feds? Wyden is asking.

Voice services are excluded. Has Wyden not used these services for a voice-only meeting while driving?

@th3j35t3r The 'X' to close an image is too close to the 'fold-back' widget in the top-right corner. Half the time i end up activating teh fold-back instead of landing on the 'X'.

Personal political statement ahead Show more

This is what happens when you train an LLM exclusively on the writings and speeches of Reid Hoffman.

How Google’s Location History Program Could Upend Digital Surveillance Law.

The court thinks that you made an affirmative decision to be tracked, because Google told them so.

Facial Recognition Technology and Human Raters Can Predict Political Orientation From Images of Expressionless Faces Even When Controlling for Demographics and Self-Presentation.

This is good seed material for a dystopian novel. I'm sure researchers are already trying to find the genetic basis for these facial differences. When I read the initial report on Fox News I thought that they were sensing the lack of empathy in one group.

I went to the dentist for my bi-annual cleaning this morning. My Garmin Fenix watch auto-detected a nap while I was lying there, relaxing. 😂

The scale of the hack against United Healthcare's subsidiary Change Healthcare keeps growing.
"Based on the initial targeted data sampling to date, the company has found files containing protected health information and personally identifiable information, which could cover a substantial proportion of people in America," it said in a statement.
That's after it paid $22M in ransom to prevent disclosure.

peterquirk boosted

Microsoft Warns: North Korean Hackers Turn to AI-Fueled Cyber Espionage

"They are learning to use tools powered by AI large language models (LLM) to make their operations more efficient and effective," the tech giant said in its latest report on East Asia hacking groups.

Many of the hacked account holders complain Meta is difficult to deal with, offers mainly generic responses, and getting hold of a real person feels almost impossible.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

In the United States, there's been a dramatic and alarming spike in hacking cases, with one state seeing an increase of more than 700 per cent in a year.

If you thought CoSo's problems with the Google Play Store were bad, these Australian businesses have been fighting for months to get control of their Facebook and Instagram business accounts after they were hacked.

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