morning, @CaptainJackWolfe
hope all well in your world
@Museek Pagan, proudly
@Museek 🫂
#plastic is so unhealthy
it is nothing but toxic chemicals
shrink wrapping infuses the contents with plasticides which leach whenever the plastic is heated or warms up.
the food industry has made it almost impossible to get products without it, and most aint recyclable.
remove food from plastic once home and store in glass or paper. cut off the wiggly surface of cheese which has absorbed the most poison.
so much waste and danger.
@KodoAndSangha what a way to run a railroad, as we used to say.
hilarious if it werent so dangerous.
@LlamaMountainStudioArts stay safe xx
toxic peeps
aint nothing sacred?
@Halcyon try oregano oil, kills bacteria, mix w coco oil if too spicy.
sorry bud xx
Strange Fruit
@Maleah gonna have to create it ourselves i fear
@Minholkin hanging on tight, friend
@gemswinc be safe there
@WhiteRose agree, all the Dems should have walked imo
@gemswinc lucky you
@Timmah1979 brilliant terrifying.
@BrianHjelleVirologist been scared since the 50's
it has got much much much worse
since then
americans let it slide on in return for convenience and stuff imo
Dictating my memoirs
to my editor/illustrator, aZa