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This multi-week hospital stay was brought to you by Septic Arthritis.

Sometimes I put holes in the ground.

I tell people it’s boring, but I dig it.

Someone fell in one once.

They didn’t see that well.

On top of all my problems, one of my close cousins, 2 weeks older than myself has late stage uterine cancer. She and her rather older husband had been setting up their retirement in the high likelihood of her outliving him. That’s now improbable. Their three kids are in their late 20s/early 30s.

Any girls out there named Heather? I really don’t want to change my tattoo.

How sad it must be: believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists, and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon of truth and honesty.

I have the brain of an 8-yr-old child. In a jar on my desk.

I have the heart of a warrior, the brain of an engineer, the legs of a runner, and the upper body of a weight lifter, but I think I'm out of room in the freezer.

I bought a suit jacket from the Mamas and the Papas, all the sleeves were brown and the tie was grey…

2: Everyone who tastes my home-made wine says it tastes horrible. I think it's just sour grapes.

1: My dyslexia has just hit a new owl.

4: Charles Dickens walks into a cocktail bar ~ the Bartender asks “Olive or Twist?”

3: After 10 pints I was weaving dangerously in the middle of the road. So I took the basket home to finish it.

They’re going for a repeat of the knee flush out tomorrow.

2: Quantum physicists - "So if we put a cat into a box..."

Cat owners - "Yeah, good luck with that."

1: A friend gave me a roll of bubble wrap. As I had no where to store it, I had to pop it in a corner.

4: You can fix any loose key on your computer keyboard with superglue.
Just be careful you donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

3: I don't wanna get too emotional but man oh man, every time I put the car in reverse it takes me back.

Just back from having had a PICC line installed. This is a tube running inside a vein from just above my left elbow to the top of my heart. It allows for easier sampling of blood and for insertion of nutrients and medication and totally replaced any cannulae. It can also remain in place for many months.
So it’s goodbye to this horrid mess.

These rose patterned bed sheets might not create the exact effect you were going for.

I understand that someone once found a bug on their bed and they decided to name it "bedbug." But I can't imagine how terrifying it was for the dude who came up with "cockroach."

A friend brought a few things from my place, clothing, a working phone charger and, more importantly, a box fan which is working nicely. This is an older hospital building and has very poor air conditioning. We expect 38°C today (100°F) and virtually the same for the next two days.

2: Ever since my neighbours got a garden deck, all they do is go on about what they can do with it.
So I reported them to the police, for talking about terrace activities.

1: The Institute for Unfinished Research has found that 6 out of 10 people…

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