Just back from having had a PICC line installed. This is a tube running inside a vein from just above my left elbow to the top of my heart. It allows for easier sampling of blood and for insertion of nutrients and medication and totally replaced any cannulae. It can also remain in place for many months.
So it’s goodbye to this horrid mess.

These rose patterned bed sheets might not create the exact effect you were going for.

A friend brought a few things from my place, clothing, a working phone charger and, more importantly, a box fan which is working nicely. This is an older hospital building and has very poor air conditioning. We expect 38°C today (100°F) and virtually the same for the next two days.

AFAIK, the pink is from the antiseptic used to flush out the knee joint. They found a bacterial infection.

My left hand after 4 minutes and 44 seconds of exposure to 310 nm wavelength UVB radiation as treatment for eczema. The effect rapidly fades.

I just realised my niece got a Barbie Camper and a Barbie Science Lab for Christmas which is essentially a Barbie Breaking Bad starter kit.

IKEA-sourced computer desk, consisting of two 4-drawer cabinets, two telescoping legs and a bench top measuring 8 feet by 2 feet. There are two quad power outlets above the desk, all individually switched.
The Mac Mini with its arm-mounted 28-inch 4k monitor will be mounted on the left side, between the cabinets.
I couldn’t get far enough back to take a single photo so this image is an imperfectly-stitched union of two separate shots.

Followed this Chinese balloon for almost 300 km, turned out to be bird poop on the windscreen...

2: My wife is leaving me because I keep forgetting to take the old coffee filter out of the machine...

She claims it's grounds for divorce.

1: My wife asked me to boil the kettle.

I sat crying on a convenient bench at the cemetery today after adding some fake red roses to my parents’ headstone.

Botheration. Can’t drink from my the cup of tea because essential tremors destroys any modicum of control of the lift. If I get it close to my mouth I’ll spill it.

I’ve never understood why hotels give you these stupid chairs. They are soooo uncomfortable.

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