
Dirty rainclouds dumped muddy rain on my car overnight. Car washes are closed under stage 4. Just shampooed the car. Diluted hair shampoo in water, added to household spray bottle & covered the dirty surface with a soapy mist, allowed to dry. (Not long in this wind) Then used a medium water jet from the garden hose to spread the suds over the surface & loosen the dirt. Finished off with a wide-angle spray to remove the suds/dirt.
Quite an effective process.

@peemee yeah, my car is filthy. It'll give the kids a job on the weekend

@peemee Good to know shampoo for hair can work. No need for the expensive soap products.

@ACG2 A matter of availability, I was going to buy some car wash stuff but just went with what I had short of dish washing detergent.

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