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I call today a net win...I learned how to import different elements into , create a title card and setup fade-ins and outs then export my results πŸ€“

All I have to do now is ensure export quality remains good and I think I'm set for initial video editing goals

I don't know what changed for season 3, but it's firing on all cylinders πŸ€“

*And I don't know what's better, stoic or pacifist 🀣🀣

(well technically yesterday but today confirmed it) that if you take a photo with 10-bit color on, will turn it into a 3D-ish animation (never happened with 10bc off)...

So far the best parts of season 7 are and the episodes and πŸ€“

They got me stoked to find out how the season ends!

Anyone have experience with GigabitNow or Ting for fiber internet service? Both are rolling out to my area and near as I can tell both are pretty similar except GN has been around for about 30 years while Ting has been around for about 10

*I was going to sign up with Ting but when the rep was like GN is owned by Frontier and they're being sued, I had to check for myself. I couldn't substantiate her statement which doesn't mean she's wrong but there should be something ya know 😬

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