HeadphonesNeil Reviews WE060223 update

Due to timing issues, this week's is being moved to next week and will be 2 weeks of reviews

Gameplay videos are still being uploaded to the channel as ready


HeadphonesNeil Update

Starting from the 3/16 episode, ad-free episodes are now available for patrons! Subscribe now to continue receiving them in your client of choice 🤓


HeadphonesNeil Gameplay Update

I'm taking a quick break from the game to collect my thoughts. I literally spent a couple hours trying to beat Control and Ikept failing which is a result of trying too hard I think. The playthrough of Jungle was probably the first indicator but feels simple compared to this...

With that in mind, I will still review the game accordingly to keep the going


HeadphonesNeil Reviews/Videos Update 🤓
03.17.23 Let Me Re-Introduce Myself

Summary: A quick update on some new stuff coming to the channel! 🎉


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