HeadphonesNeil Reviews WE060223 update

Due to timing issues, this week's is being moved to next week and will be 2 weeks of reviews

Gameplay videos are still being uploaded to the channel as ready


(well technically yesterday but today confirmed it) that if you take a photo with 10-bit color on, will turn it into a 3D-ish animation (never happened with 10bc off)...

HeadphonesNeil Gameplay Update

Made peace with Iden's dad and created Rey's home on , I think? πŸ˜¬πŸ˜›

But no credits rolled so the game isn't over yet?

HeadphonesNeil Gameplay Update

Looks like we're approaching the endgame with this level...

...also, a better level than the dream sequence IMO πŸ˜›

My current setup for this πŸ€“

Built in & using on my

Default colors pull from preselected image & change to colors extracted from currently playing track's cover image

*White LineX Icon Pack for app icons

HeadphonesNeil Videos
Moment of for 04.01.23

On this April fool's day, this is no joke! I've got a moment of zen for everyone with all the crazy stuff going on πŸ€“


HeadphonesNeil Gameplay Update

Finished Control with the v2. I think the right joystick was holding me back due to responsiveness (no matter how sensitive I made it)


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