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Watch. You won't be sorry.


Here's a taste: “And what you're telling me is, you don't mind infringing free speech to protect children from this amorphous thing that you think of, but when it comes to children that have died, you don't give a flying fuck to stop that.”

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Today is
So good 👏👏 I think lemon is my favorite 😍👏
I hope you have a great day 💙😎✌️

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I hope we're ready for another influx. Something tells me that Melon Husk is about to amp up the fuckery in a big way.

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So beautiful 😍
Possibly some snow tomorrow. We will see.
Have a great day 😎✌️💙

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a small plane crashed into powerlines near my house (Maryland) - the pilot and passenger are trapped inside 100 feet off the ground (but not injured!)

80,000 lost power. including me.

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Hey Georgia! LOTS more early voting locations available Sunday. You can vote Sunday-Friday this week. Let's do this. 💪🏼

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I can’t thread CoSo (or don’t know how) but in a world where we all have five million socials we are trying, this is my post thread on creating a community to help .

What are you doing to help? Donations? Calls? Postcards? Let’s get the word out.

Post thread:

Donation and volunteer:

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Just got the email that the work meeting tomorrow is cancelled.

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🎈🇺🇸Happy Birthday POTUS🇺🇸🎈

...and THANK YOU 💪 😎 👍

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@noondlyt great design - fun with Blender.

it seems like you have to hover over it to see it actually move... at least in the browser...

New Avatar - Twitter Annihilation Challenge Coin

My design come to life thanks to @dannotdaniel

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