
Oh shit: it appears the cats have figured out when I spell the word "food" that means food, so...I'm now under a severe Cat Attack.

Gonna start spelling it "fewd" to see if I can throw them off a bit longer...

🤣 You know if there are more cats than humans in your home, you're screwed, right?


Oh yeah, totally. They outnumber me 2 to 1.

And now they're going all-out: Singha has parked his ginormous ass on me and is meowing in my face.

I punish them brutally by kissing them on the top of their heads when they head butt me, though it's just not working.

If I didn't know better, I'd think they *like* it...


It's like having a furry bowling ball on my chest.

I think he's trying to crush my ribcage

🤣 You know that old saying....a cat will steal your breath.


They've got you Jay. You're outnumbered and they've clearly got you suckered into the "kill them with kindness" scam. Poor, neglected, starved, unloved kitties. Works on the human every time.

Don't feel bad. I got bum-rushed and jump-kicked in the butt this morning. Ro got me good. I shrieked out of surprise.

Then he expects to be fed after giving me close to a coronary.

THEY'RE ALL EVIL. And we love them.


Agreed. They're a pair of furry little sociopaths, and the only thing they hunt for is *suckers* - like me.

Well; I fed them already, so probably won't see much of them until about 5-6am (because HEAVENS FORBID they go more than 6 hours without fewd 🙄😸).

They're spoiled little brats...but I love them regardless.


Neurotic. Don't forget that one.

They've got you trained well. Just wait until they figure out how to open doors and cabinets.....looking for fewd. 😺

I'm a total sucker too. His Majesty and his subject. (me) I wouldn't have it any other way. 🥰


Reminds me of my two year old who came up to me and said, "I want some I C E C R E A M.

No, she did not know how to spell. But she had heard us spell it in front of her frequently enough, in the context of ice cream, that she thought it was a long and fancy name for it.

Kids! And Cats!

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