Key and Peele's parody of "Baby it's Cold Outside."
The Trail of Tears - Inhumane removal of Native Americans from their Native land
Before 1800s Cherokee people lived in the modern states of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee North and South Corolina but were forced to move to area west of Mississippi River, in Oklahoma by 1860.
The need to create new states (1800-1860, 17 states were created) led to the forceful removal of Native tribes in a very inhumane manner. Many died on the way out of starvation, harsh environment and diseases!😥 #History
First, they came for the transgender community and I spoke out immediately even though I don't belong to that group because I know the rest of the poem by Martin Niemoller! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💪💪💪
#transgender #translivesmatter #LGBTQ+
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