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Morning CoSo. Going off to the woods today. Catch you later. ☕️

🌍: Italy

Good morning, CoSo. Friday Friday Friday. Let's coffee it up.

🌎: Burnsville, MN.

Good morning, CoSo. Let's get right to it. Coffee.

🌎: Kittery, Maine.

Good morning CoSo. Midweek is here. Let’s get a coffee and get it done. ☕️

🌍: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Good morning and happy Tuesday, CoSo. Boss' sneak attack visit to town has upended my carefully crafted routine. But there's always coffee.

🌍: Isle of Man

Good morning, CoSo. Time to Monday. But let's coffee first.

🌍: Prague, Czech Republic

Morning CoSo. Quiet Sunday, so that means coffee, reading, and relaxing. Hopefully. Let’s do the coffee. ☕️

🌍: Paris, France

Good morning, CoSo. Saturday is here. Thank goodness. Let’s grab a coffee. ☕️

🌍: Italy

Good morning, CoSo. Happy Friday. Let's get these folk to scoot down and we can get a coffee.

🌍: London, England.

Good morning, CoSo. Time to coffee up. I’m sure we can find a spot. ☕️

🌍: Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Good morning CoSo. Off to the homestead for more land prep. Today, we stake out the house layout. Big milestone. Also going to visit the electric co-op to pay for the construction of our electric service. Coffee? Yes. ☕️

🌎: Bremond, Texas.

Morning, CoSo. Let's grab a coffee. Lots to do today, more to do tomorrow.

🌎: Bremerton, Washington

Good morning, CoSo. Coffee time. Hope everyone enjoyed yesterday.

🌎: Kansas City, MO.

Good morning, CoSo. Gonna be a big day for some folk. Let’s get some coffee and prepare for the TSwizzle Bowl. ☕️

🌎: Las Vegas, Nevada.

Good morning CoSo. Glad we got down there yesterday as it’s raining today. Coffee this morning thinking about the next milestone, happening Wednesday: Staking out the permanent home location. ☕️

🌎: Bremond, Texas.

Good morning CoSo. Up early and off to do more land stuff. Hopefully get some pics of actual progress to share later. First: Coffee. ☕️

🌍: Geneva, Switzerland.

Good morning, CoSo. Happy Thursday. At least I think it's Thursday. Let's grab a coffee.

🌏: Singapore.

Good morning, CoSo. It's been a hot minute since I've been there, but I have been there a few times and it's actually a very cool place. Let's grab a coffee.

🌏: Beijing, China.

Good morning, CoSo. FFS I hope today is better than yesterday. We'll start with the coffee and go from there.

🌎: Jacksonville, FL.

Good morning, CoSo. Dodging Monday feels like a boss. Or trying to. Let's grab a coffee. Plenty of seats available.

🌍: Genoa, Italy.

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The Real Mike Smith™️

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.