Goodnight friends 🌒

@Render thank you for the updates. I appreciate the work you do.

CounterSocial's SANITIZER does such an effective job of scrubbing ALL metadata that it can sometimes affect how photos are displayed in the timeline because it also removes the ORIENTATION metatag from the pictures you've taken.

You can fix this by making a small edit to your photo (crop, resize, recolor, anything) and try uploading that.

CoSo veterans prevent this issue by taking thier pictures in landscape orientation in the first place.

I'm giving a try-out. I'll follow up after I've run it for a while. Sign up and set up were very easy. I'm using the free plan right now, but honestly, at US$20 / year I would be comfortable with the paid plan.

Thanks. The looks interesting. Will dig into that a little more.

Thanks. From what I'm reading is essentially cloud-based pi-hole, which might be easier for me to set up and work with.

What's the hot setup in DNS nowadays? It's been a hot minute since I've checked and thought I'd ask opinions here? Is it OpenDNS, something else?

Certainly, you can. Sorry to hear about your back. That is never fun.

Hi Eva-Marie. Let's hope it's not oncoming traffic. ☕

Good morning, CoSo. Let's get on with it. Still lots to do. But first, coffee.

🌎: Burlington, VT.

Someone ordered one of these on the train this weekend, so we decided we needed to give it a try.

Lawn mowing reward: Deep Eddy lime vodka and Sprite. A+ will drink again. 🍹

@kay_dub @scottronaut5150

No doubt they are quality items. I expect this one to last essentially the rest of my life.

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The Real Mike Smith™️

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.