
Odd question, but what is the hot set up nowadays for genealogy documentation? My mom had a program on her PC but that was more than 20 years ago.

I would like to organize what have, and what I know, into something that would be useful for future fam.

@mikeflstfi there is a good SW program with now. Easy to use and very thorough. They seem to be keeping it up to date too.

@mikeflstfi I like - works great, and you can grant specific people or everyone access to it

@mikeflstfi also it can import a gedcom file if you have one


Thanks. I may have one of those if I can retrieve it from the old PC

@mikeflstfi Actually a great question. I’m on ancestry but that doesn’t mean I’m on the leading edge of anything! It’s good to hear others’ endorsements.

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