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The sausage and potatoes came out okay, I guess. The sausages cooked up just fine. The potatoes weren't quite as good. I think I put too much butter in them - it's hard to measure that Kerrygold stuff. Anyway, they were kind of greasy, but not terribly so. I think I can fix it with the next batch.

I forgot to give fair credit to the source for my sausages. You should visit Slovacek's the next time you're traveling I-35 between Dallas and Austin. Good stuff is to be found therein.

Lunch is in the oven. It's a mix of country link sausages (beef and green onion) I got from Slovacek's in the town of West, TX (just north of Waco) and a box of Betty Crocker Julienne potato casserole, slightly doctored with cream instead of milk and with some extra herbs and spices from Penzey's. Everything's cooking at 375ยฐF for 40 minutes. I'll report back after consumption.

I'm going to try and make lunch. Sausages and potato casserole. I'll be back soon.

@jaunty Thank you for the favorite, and good morning to you!

( @th3j35t3r , I hope you won't get mad if I post this for the people who missed it early this morning. Thank you!)

Still looking for feedback on my new arrangement for concert band / wind ensemble, please. Any feedback at all would be appreciated - you wouldn't have to take on the whole thing at once. Thank you!

Anton Bruckner
Symphony No. 6 in A Major
(arr. by Lee Jackson)

If the universe was fair - Trumps official presidential portrait would be a courtroom sketch.

Is anyone showing the Trump trial from inside the courtroom? I'm guessing no, but I could be wrong...?

My 8am pain medicine alarm went off a few minutes ago. I've been putting off getting up and taking care of it, because it means moving my $%#@! painful left knee. Guess I'd better get the hell up and deal with it before other areas start hurting. BRB

And with that, I have run out of memes for now. Thank you for putting up with me. I had fun.

"And now, the snare drums will lead us in prayer while our chorale for the offertory is performed by Brother Jackson on the Holy Glockenspiel of Antioch."

(That's me, in 1984.)

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Capt. Greybeard Jackson

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.